Monday, April 30, 2012

Nipissing Family Peer Support Services welcomes you to a special event on Mental Health Week at PEP

Please join us for this historic event!

The Mental Health Commission of Canada invites you to share in a historic day for our country, the millions of Canadians living with mental health problems and illnesses, their families and all those who are working to ensure that every Canadian can enjoy the best mental health.

After consulting with thousands of Canadians, the Mental Health Commission of Canada is set to release the Mental Health Strategy for Canada.

As a supporter of the Mental Health Commission of Canada, and one of the many people who has helped to inform and shape our work, we would like you to join us in launching Canada’s first-ever strategy to improve mental health in our country.

What: Launch of the Mental Health Strategy for Canada

When: Speeches begin via web cast Tuesday, May 8, 12:00.

Where: NFPSS & PEP 351 Ferguson Street, 3rd Floor

Please RSVP April or Terri-Lynn at 705 494 4774 x 226

Here is the link from the Mental health Commission of Canada.

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