Tuesday, June 26, 2012

10 Tips for a Healthy Relationship

 We are all involved in relationships of different kinds. Our most important relationships are like a garden that requires work and attention in order to thrive. Try some of the ideas below to improve your relationships:

1. Ask yourself, “What is the message underneath the behaviour?” Most of our communications are indirect and non-verbal. Try responding to the underlying messages

2. Try listening more instead of thinking about your next move.

3. Avoid accusations, and communicate how the other person’s behaviour makes you feel.

4. Add to your emotional bank account. Instead of criticism, use compliments and positive statements.

5. Avoid using bullying or force. Instead, recognize the other person’s rights.

6. Ensure that you let the other person influence you.

7. Show respect by listening, caring and treating the person with high esteem.

8. Avoid your first reaction to defend yourself before hearing what the other person has to say.

9. Be honest with your feelings since you will communicate your feelings anyway. Don’t pretend to feel something that you don’t.

10. Each of us has fundamental differences that make us unique. Accept the other person for who they are

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