Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy 2011 Nipissing Family!!

Loving someone with a mental illness can really challenge us to find every ounce of compassion that we have – often it is given to them.

Today I would like to ask you to gather up some more compassion, find a quiet corner and really acknowledge yourself for the amazing accomplishments and challenges you have faced this year.

It is always so easy to focus on what we didn’t do or the things we said but never meant to.

Now, let’s take a look at ourselves during 2010 in a compassionate way.


Give this some thought – you may have had a difficult conversation that you didn’t really want to have, set a new boundary or said the unspeakable or did the unthinkable. Write it down.

What did you accomplish this year?

What was your most surprising accomplishment?

What gave you that boost to do it?

What worked really well?

How did you reward yourself?

Let’s talk about rewards for a second. They are so important – share what you have done. Celebrate it in a big way or small way and if you haven’t done so – do it today. It can be just the stuff that helps you keep going during the tougher times.


Oh yeah – when you love someone with mental illness there are lots of these. Sometimes it’s external to you – their behavior or the finances. Other times it’s internal like isolating yourself or feeling overwhelmed because you’re just so darn sick of it all. Sometimes it’s a combination of both.

What were your biggest external challenges this year? Would it be a good idea to have an action plan in case the same type of things happen again?

What were your biggest internal challenges? Do you know what triggers them?

Can you set up a system to give you an early cue and a plan to acknowledge and tame the gremlins quicker?

Moving Forward in 2011

Look some things were really good from last year and other things – well we can learn something from them – even when it’s really hard.

Looking over the accomplishments what do you really want to focus on this year to make life even better? Give yourself some of the compassion that you give to your ill loved one.

Compassionately look over your challenges. How could you kindly help yourself in these areas?

What support would you like to make it easier for you?

Let us know- we admire and support all those who love someone with a mental illness. Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2011!



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